The Art and Science of Twelfth Night: An Exhibition at Smithsonian Libraries

The Art and Science of Twelfth Night: An Exhibition at Smithsonian Libraries

Discover the Art and Science of Twelfth Night at the Smithsonian Libraries

The Smithsonian Libraries is a treasure trove of information, housing a vast collection of rare and valuable materials. Amongst their impressive collection is an exhibition entitled “The Art and Science of Twelfth Night.”

Twelfth Night is a beloved play written by William Shakespeare, and it has captivated audiences for centuries. The story revolves around a pair of fraternal twins who are separated during a shipwreck, and their subsequent journeys as they try to reunite. The play is filled with intrigue, mistaken identity, and love, and it has inspired countless adaptations across various mediums.

The exhibition at Smithsonian Libraries takes a closer look at the various interpretations of Twelfth Night throughout history. It brings together an array of materials, including rare books, illustrations, and even performances, providing visitors with a unique and in-depth understanding of how this classic tale has been interpreted over the years.

One of the highlights of the exhibition is a stunning collection of original illustrations from the 1908 edition of Twelfth Night, produced by Frederick R. Welsh. His beautiful drawings depict scenes from the play and capture the essence of the characters in a way that is both timeless and captivating.

A Multifaceted Look at Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night

In addition to the visual materials, the exhibition also features a collection of rare books that shed light on the historical context in which Twelfth Night was written. One such book is a 1623 edition of Shakespeare’s works, known as the First Folio. This edition includes all of Shakespeare’s plays, including Twelfth Night, and it provides a valuable insight into the early printing practices of the time.

Another intriguing aspect of the exhibition is the inclusion of a performance by the renowned Shakespeare Theatre Company. The actors bring the play to life in a captivating and engaging manner, breathing new life into the characters and demonstrating the enduring power of Shakespeare’s writing.

Overall, the Art and Science of Twelfth Night exhibition is a must-see for anyone interested in Shakespeare, theater, or the history of literature. With its impressive collection of materials and engaging multimedia showcases, it offers a unique and fascinating glimpse into one of the world’s most beloved plays. So, if you find yourself in the vicinity of the Smithsonian Libraries, make sure to take some time to explore this exceptional exhibition. You won’t be disappointed!