Santa Claus' Secret to Staying Alive and Well: The Sunrise Beach Ritual

Santa Claus’ Secret to Staying Alive and Well: The Sunrise Beach Ritual

The Sunrise Beach Ritual: Santa Claus’ Secret to Staying Alive and Well

Santa Claus, the jolly old man with a white beard and red suit who brings joy to children worldwide, has a secret to staying alive and well – the sunrise beach ritual. Contrary to popular belief, Santa Claus does not hibernate after Christmas, but instead, he heads to the beach at sunrise and performs a morning routine that keeps him rejuvenated, healthy, and mentally sharp.

The Benefits of the Sunrise Beach Ritual

The sunrise beach ritual is a practice that involves getting up early, heading to the beach to watch the sunrise, and engaging in various activities that nourish the body and mind. It consists of sun gazing, meditation, and exercise. Santa Claus states that the benefits of the sunrise beach ritual are numerous, and he attributes his longevity to this morning practice.

Sun Gazing

Sun gazing is a technique where one looks directly at the sun during the first hour of sunrise or the last hour of sunset. According to Santa Claus, sun gazing helps to boost energy levels, promote weight loss, and improve eyesight. He recommends gazing at the sun for only a few seconds before gradually increasing the time spent looking at the sun.


Meditation is a practice that involves quieting the mind, focusing on the breath, and entering a state of relaxation. Santa Claus says that meditation helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, which are prevalent in today’s fast-paced world. He suggests meditating while sitting or walking on the beach, listening to the sound of the waves and feeling the warm sun on the skin.


Exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Santa Claus performs gentle yoga, stretching, or walking on the beach as part of his sunrise ritual. He says that this helps to improve strength, flexibility, and balance, as well as increase blood flow, which is vital for good health.

Grabbing the Moment

Santa Claus emphasizes that the sunrise beach ritual is all about grabbing the moment and enjoying the present. Watching the sunrise, feeling the sand underfoot, and listening to the sound of the waves calms the mind and helps one to be fully present. Santa Claus shares that these moments of being in the present moment are what keeps him feeling alive and well.

Alive and Well

Santa Claus is proof that one can stay alive and healthy well into old age. His sunrise beach ritual is a practice that promotes physical health, mental well-being, and spiritual growth. It is a simple routine that anyone can adopt to improve their quality of life and longevity. As Santa Claus says, “The sunrise is a reminder that each day is a new beginning, and it is up to us to make the most of it.”

In conclusion, the Sunrise Beach Ritual is Santa Claus’ secret to staying alive and well. Sun gazing, meditation, exercise, and grabbing the moment are the essential components of this practice. It is a simple routine that anyone can adopt to improve their health and well-being. As we head into the new year, let us take a cue from Santa Claus and make the sunrise beach ritual a part of our daily routine.