A Rare Look into Twelfth Night Celebrations in the Smithsonian Libraries Archives

A Rare Look into Twelfth Night Celebrations in the Smithsonian Libraries Archives

Uncovering Twelfth Night Celebrations through the Smithsonian Libraries Archives

Twelfth Night Celebrations have been a part of the British culture for centuries. It marks the end of the Christmas season and is celebrated with great enthusiasm and fanfare. The Smithsonian Libraries Archives have preserved a rare collection of photographs and documents that provide a glimpse into the Twelfth Night Celebrations of the past.

The Twelfth Night Celebrations are believed to have originated during the medieval times. It was a time when the wealthy landowners would organize elaborate masquerades and balls in their estates. The festivities would continue for twelve nights, hence the name Twelfth Night. It was a time for revelry and merriment, and people would exchange gifts, sing carols and play games.

The collection of photographs and documents at the Smithsonian Libraries Archives provides a fascinating insight into the Twelfth Night Celebrations of the Victorian era. The Victorian period is renowned for its lavish parties and grand celebrations, and the Twelfth Night Celebrations were no exception.

The photographs in the collection show men and women dressed in elaborate costumes, ranging from medieval knights to fairies and mythical creatures. The costumes were made with fine materials such as silk and velvet, and adorned with beads, feathers, and intricate embroidery. The masquerade balls were held in grand halls, decorated with chandeliers and floral arrangements.

Twelfth Night Celebrations: Then and Now

One of the most interesting documents in the collection is the menu for the Twelfth Night feast. The menu lists an array of dishes such as roasted beef, game pie, oysters, and plum pudding. The desserts were especially rich and included delicacies such as mince pies, sugar plums, and gingerbread.

The Twelfth Night Celebrations were not just about feasting and dancing. The collection also includes programs for plays and recitals that were performed during the festivities. Plays such as Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and A Midsummer Night’s Dream were popular choices.

The Twelfth Night Celebrations continued to be a part of British culture well into the 20th century. However, with the changing times, the celebrations became more subdued and lost their grandeur. Today, the Twelfth Night is celebrated in a more minimalistic manner, with people marking the occasion by taking down their Christmas decorations and enjoying a slice of Twelfth Night Cake.

The collection at the Smithsonian Libraries Archives provides a rare and fascinating glimpse into the Twelfth Night Celebrations of the past. It is a testament to the grandeur and extravagance of the Victorian era and the importance of preserving cultural traditions. Through these photographs and documents, we can appreciate the beauty and intricacy of the costumes, the richness of the food, and the cultural significance of the Twelfth Night Celebrations.